Saturday, 27 February 2010

How we have worked

Though there is still a little refilming to do we are going to talk about the technology we have used to get our project together. We have learnt to use the camera(s) and tripod effectively, learnt to feed film into our editing package of i-movie on the Apple Macs via a firewire lead. We have worked our way through the editing process and also used garage band to create music. There was an option to add copyright free music from a site we were given but we decided creating our own music was better. We have also used the stills camera to take the photos you see below and learnt how to do a blog as we had never done one before. Se images above:
1. Using the Blog
2. Using i-movie
3. Using Garage Band
4. Tripod and equipment
5. Camera and firewire lead

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

on going coursework

we are still working on our films as we have identified some scenes where we need to re-film as the mise-en-scene was not right for the theme of the film. if we dont change it then we will be marked down. we have completed the music which we were creating on garage band. we have been sorting out any missing paperwork.